Today we announce that we are starting a new Game Jam, named the Insert Name Jam. This Game Jam will be focused on improving and shining a spotlight on less experienced Pokémon fan game developers, and people hoping to hone their craft.
WolfTaiko | Nandthesword | TechSkylander1518

King_Waluigi | KennyCatches | Cadeorade5
One of the main differences of this jam is how we're focusing on the theme of improvement, the Jam will last 5 weeks. After 3 weeks you will DM the link to me and we will all play through the games for one week and give you feedback, and for the last week you will update your game with the feedback and praise we gave in mind.
Be on the lookout on our YouTube Channel in the meanwhile, as we will be posting Tip Videos from our lovely coordinators about how to level up your game devving up to the start of the Jam.
The Jam will go on from January 5 to the 26th, then until February 2nd we will play through your games and on February 2nd we will release the feedback to you guys, and you'll have through February 9th to finish up the final release of your game, expect post-release bug fixes of course.
Further details will be unveiled when the Jam begins on January 5, 2024.
Hell yeah!
Hell yeah!